Saturday, May 30, 2015

Science Review: An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of Shit

Today on the menu we have...

Study Title: An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of Shit: Distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and Hookworm Eggs in Human Stool

Authors: Stefanie J. Krauth, Jean T. Coulibaly, Stefanie Knopp, Mahamadou Traoré, Eliézer K. N'Goran, Jürg Utzinger

Recommended Pairing: George Dickel Barrel Select - high potential for a good laugh, means a whiskey for good times. 

Did I read the whole paper? 

First I'd like to say that the work contained within is probably important to that field...but...WTF?  This is a legitimate, peer-reviewed article, about in-depth analysis of a piece of shit.  The word shit is used in the title.  If you don't believe me click the link, is leads to PLoS ONE, a legitimate open access journal.  You could argue that because the authors might not be native English speakers they maybe didn't quite use the correct wording?  WRONG.  The word shit is used only one other time in the end in quotations.  They knew.  Let's get to the highlights shall we?  I present to you:

Figure 1.  Field Procedures. 

I shit you not.  That is a person squatting, and in case it wasn't clear, that arrow points to the front of the piece of shit.  I love science.  

Figure 2.  How to process the shit. 

The shit is referred to as "sausage".  Enough said. 

Conclusion.  I don't know what their conclusion was (you can read it), I could never make it past figure 2 without laughing so hard that my face hurt.  At SOME level, this must have been a bit of a joke from the authors.  Getting the word "shit" into a professional manuscript as well as these two figures is a coup for the traditionally stuffy and all too boring science papers.  Authors, I congratulate you, this is amazing.  If I were ever to get a publication that contained content like this, I would probably look like:

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