Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whiskey Review: Tincup American Whiskey

We ventured out to Palms Springs for a little getaway, and found ourselves looking at the selection in the whiskey section of the local Ralphs.  That is when this bottle caught our attention.  Maybe it is the sleek bottle, or the tin cup on top, whatever it was, we grabbed a bottle and stuffed it into the freezer, since it was 80 plus degrees.    

Reading the bottle a bit would let you know that this was distilled in Denver Colorado, at an elevation of 5251 feet, which is 0.99 miles. So close to mile high!  If it's good, I'll give them a pass.  For this review I will do something a bit different, I will try it in a traditional glass and their tin cup.  To start the color is a nice honey amber which you cannot see in the picture due to the condensation.  The smell is really nice, with honey and caramel notes in the glass, and only a little extra hint of metal (duh) in the tin cup.  First sip from the glass is smooth and light with a touch of sweetness.  It finishes into a warming sensation.  The aftertaste is pleasant.  From the tin cup it tastes....exactly the same.  Oh well, what was I expecting?  More for me anyways.  The second go around just confirms the first, but with a stronger feel of the flavors.  I gotta say...

The numbers: We got it on sale for $22.99 at Ralphs which is not bad at all.  I have seen it for $29.00 or so.  

It reminds me of...when you find $20 on the ground.  Not bad at all. 

The verdict: This is a good whiskey, I like it, especially if you like ones that are slightly sweeter.  At this price, it is worth it and I would definitely get another bottle.  I would slap anybody's hand that tries to use it for a mixer, it is better than that. 

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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Whiskey Review: Stone Hammer Kentucky Straight Bourbon

After a little bit of a break, I am going to be back at it.  I also managed to curate some interesting finds, so hopefully there will be some more reviews coming soon.  Today we have something I picked up at the grocery store...

Stone Hammer Kentucky Straight Bourbon, Distiller's Reserve, Series 1828.  Approved by John Hargrove.  Seems legitimate.  Apparently this is named after Thomas Metcalfe (1780-1855), US Representative, Senator and tenth Governor of Kentucky, who was a stone mason prior to politics.  Thus, his nickname was Old Stone Hammer.  Ooookaayyy, let's see what Stone Hammer has to offer.  As soon as you pop the cork, you know you are in for a bit of a rough ride, but if you give it a moment to breath it mellows out a lot.  Not much to note on the smell.  Color is more on the darker/richer side of amber.  First taste starts off smooth and mild, but builds into a burning sensation that lasts on the back of your tongue and throat.  I can't say it is pleasant, but it will wake you up.  I can't really catch any particular flavor since I am still burning from the first taste.  Although I normally don't advocate using ice in your whiskey, in this case, I am compelled to drop a cube or two into it.  Give it the appropriate time to chill, and...the burning does go away.  The taste comes out a bit more.  I still can't place any specific flavor, but oddly for the first time I don't catch any vanilla.  Odd.  I guess Old Stone Hammer was tough minded, I think this whiskey seems that way as well.  To the point, and no frills.  That being said...
The numbers: I found it at Ralph's on sale for $23.  Not a bad price really.  It is difficult to find though, my quick searches haven't come up with much on the internet.  

It reminds me of...Thor. 

The verdict: My general feeling of this whiskey is that at a low price point it is worth it.  It does remind me a lot of Bulleit Bourbon.  It is probably better on ice though, unless you like the burn. 

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Couldn't find many other reviews, this is the only one:

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Whiskey Review: Hibiki 17 Years

I don't know what took so long, but I am finally getting around to reviewing this Hibiki 17 Year Whiskey blend by Suntory.  I received it as part of a gift from family and never got around to doing the review, how long did you wait you ask?  Yes that is a pumpkin in the back ground, decorations for Thanksgiving 2016.  

Weirdest thing was I was really excited about this one, given how impressed Suntory I was previously.  So, without further adieu...the color is a nice apple-juicy gold.  Smell is surprisingly subtle, not sure why but I think I expected it to punch me in the nose.  I had to really take a deep breath before I could feel the alcohol.  First taste is also subtle, but oh-so-smooth.  Definitely reminiscent of a good smooth scotch.  The burn starts late and is warming with a bit of bite.  Aftertaste is mild, but the warmth lingers.  There is a hint of smoke, but it is not assertive.  It is more like a single malt in that there is a very unified feeling flavor, and not just a mish mash of everything whiskey and scotch as some blends are.  Not gonna lie, I could probably go through too much before I realized it.  This is easy to drink and flavorful at the same time.  It has a delicate balance of all the things you hope for in a good scotch-like whiskey without the negatives.  

The numbers: Since I got it for a present I don't know what the actual purchase price was, but Bevmo (as of today) has it for $160.  

It reminds me of...kicking back after a good day with a whiskey is good. 

The verdict: I think that price is fair for the product, especially given the generally high price one pays for Japanese whiskey in the USA.  However, if you were to really look around, you might be able to find something of the same caliber and similar characteristics at a better price from Ireland or Scotland.  That being said, this is a fantastic Japanese whiskey offering. 

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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Whiskey Review: The Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch Whisky 12 Years

It was a bit of a throw back to my Scotch dominant days for this post.  I have been saving a tiny bit of The Glenlivet 12 Years to do a review, but ended up going on a huge bourbon bender in the meantime.  Yes, I know that is a picture of an empty bottle...on with the show then. 

If you are a fan of Scotch at all, you have probably heard of, or even enjoyed a taste of Glenlivet of some vintage.  I believe the first Scotch I ever tried was probably a Glenlivet.  You can find their offerings just about anywhere, from a supermarket, Bevmo, to liquor stores.  If you want to get into scotch, this is not a bad place to start.  The color is a light amber, a little lighter than a bourbon would typically be.  It smells of smokiness that is absent in most bourbon as well.  It has a very distinctive, but not overpowering scent of scotch.  The first taste is light and very smooth, finishing with a slightly burning but definitely warming aftertaste.  It has all the classic tastes of an oak barrel matured scotch, but is also smooth and not overbearing.  The aftertaste does linger a bit, but that is not a bad thing.  As I said, this is a great place to start a scotch adventure.  Doctor says:

The numbers: I can't even remember when or where I got this bottle, but it usually will run you about around $35, but as a low as $30.  

It reminds me of...kicking back after a good day with a whiskey and thinking to is good.  

The verdict: It's a good price for a solid scotch, which is smooth and not overly assertive, but lacks the nuance of other offerings.  I would consider this a day-to-day type especially if you pick it up at the low 30's. . 

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Whiskey Review: Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage

Ok, I decided to try something I normally would never get, again, and for more unexplained reasons Evan William Bourbon fell under that category for me.  I don't know if it is because of the price, or the generic font that they use or the fact that I have NEVER seen anybody pick up a bottle at the store much less buy a bottle...yeah...Anyways shattering preconceptions tonight.  

My bottle was barreled on 10/24/2007, barrel number 775, and bottled on 4/7/2016.  Here we go.  It smells...normal.  Full disclaimer, I was recovering from a cold at the time I was writing this review, but let it be known, nothing stops me from my whiskey reviewing duties.  First is a bit spicy right off the bat.  Then it builds up for a burning sensation in the throat.  I mean BURNING, maybe it is because I had been coughing, but what is this??? Lava??? Finally the aftertaste is very strong and lingers for quite a while.  My second go at it is the same I decided to drop an ice cube into it, which is something I rarely do.  The ice did help mellow out the burn and the spices, and all-in-all makes it much more pleasant.  So if you are going to try this get some ice, or...

The numbers: This bottle was purchased for $28 on sale at Ralph's, which is on par with online prices as well.  

It reminds me of...Mordor. 

The verdict: For those of you who like your whiskey to punch you in the face and yell SPARTAAAA, this is for you.  If you like your whiskey smooth and silky, this is not for you.  I am in the latter category, so for me this is not worth it, but I can see that it might be up someone else's alley. 

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Whiskey Review: Jethro T. Boots Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Happy New Years!  2017 has rolled in and...well the USA has a new president.  We can all agree no matter which side of the fence you are on, it is a good time to drink!  I have decided to try different things this year, and last year I noticed I reviewed a lot of higher end whiskeys.  So this year I am going to try some offerings that I would probably not normally go to.  Soooooo...I give to you...Jethro T. Boots Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.  Not gonna lie.  I am scared. 

Ok there really is NO reason I have to be scared, except for the twist off cap, and the kinda weird Town Marshall badge.  Apparently the namesake of this whiskey is one Jethro Titus Boots, known to his friends as Boots, "a Kentucky lawman, entrepreneur and connoisseur of fine whiskey."  It says that Boots believed he had perfected the perfect bourbon, with all that being said, this rousing tale is ended with the statement: "in JT's honor, we have bottled what is arguably one of the best bourbons around, for your enjoyment."  Well then.  Let's see that Ol'JT has up  The color is a nice honey color, and smell is kinda biting actually.  There is some scent that I can't really describe but it foretells a potential burn.  The first taste is actually rather smooth, and mild in flavor.  It end with a little burn and finishes with a rather mild aftertaste.  The aftertaste is not at all bad.  I am surprised to be really honest.  So Boots?

The numbers: I had to check and double check the receipt.  I got this bottle for $9.99 at CVS!!! ARE YOU KIDDING???  

It reminds me of...Sam Chisolm, 2016.  If you don't know, look it up, it's worth it. 

The verdict: Worth it.  Good enough to drink straight, cheap enough to mix.  Me'n Boots gonna have a few reckonin's.  Keep in mind though, it doesn't compare to the $100+ bottle offerings for sure, but for the dollar, you can't do much better, but you certainly can do a lot worse.  

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Professional tasting notes:

Honestly...couldn't find any.  I did read somewhere that this is a CVS brand bourbon...who knew?