Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Whiskey Review: Jethro T. Boots Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Happy New Years!  2017 has rolled in and...well the USA has a new president.  We can all agree no matter which side of the fence you are on, it is a good time to drink!  I have decided to try different things this year, and last year I noticed I reviewed a lot of higher end whiskeys.  So this year I am going to try some offerings that I would probably not normally go to.  Soooooo...I give to you...Jethro T. Boots Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.  Not gonna lie.  I am scared. 

Ok there really is NO reason I have to be scared, except for the twist off cap, and the kinda weird Town Marshall badge.  Apparently the namesake of this whiskey is one Jethro Titus Boots, known to his friends as Boots, "a Kentucky lawman, entrepreneur and connoisseur of fine whiskey."  It says that Boots believed he had perfected the perfect bourbon, with all that being said, this rousing tale is ended with the statement: "in JT's honor, we have bottled what is arguably one of the best bourbons around, for your enjoyment."  Well then.  Let's see that Ol'JT has up  The color is a nice honey color, and smell is kinda biting actually.  There is some scent that I can't really describe but it foretells a potential burn.  The first taste is actually rather smooth, and mild in flavor.  It end with a little burn and finishes with a rather mild aftertaste.  The aftertaste is not at all bad.  I am surprised to be really honest.  So Boots?

The numbers: I had to check and double check the receipt.  I got this bottle for $9.99 at CVS!!! ARE YOU KIDDING???  

It reminds me of...Sam Chisolm, 2016.  If you don't know, look it up, it's worth it. 

The verdict: Worth it.  Good enough to drink straight, cheap enough to mix.  Me'n Boots gonna have a few reckonin's.  Keep in mind though, it doesn't compare to the $100+ bottle offerings for sure, but for the dollar, you can't do much better, but you certainly can do a lot worse.  

Thanks for reading!

Please comment below!  If you think there is something I must try or something you want me to review, toss it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

Professional tasting notes:

Honestly...couldn't find any.  I did read somewhere that this is a CVS brand bourbon...who knew?


  1. Found in cinnamon..$4 a bottle!!!

    1. They still. Have it ? Was it at nicks liquor store

    2. I'm drinking it now lol I got it at CVS also

  2. I bought a bottle, today, at CVS, and it was $9.89, after tax.

  3. I just picked a bottle up on sale at CVS for $7.99 I was a little hesitant but figure for that price it's at least worth using as a mixer

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. CVS was all out of Jim Beam (80 proof) $11.99 So I picked up J. BOOTS (86 Proof) $9.99 here in LA. Tastes just the same? My new go to bourbon.

  6. CVS was all out of Jim Beam (80 proof) $11.99 So I picked up J. BOOTS (86 Proof) $9.99 here in LA. Tastes just the same? My new go to bourbon.

  7. They were out of 80 proof Jim Beam, soooooo proof Boots, $9.99. I am too surprised. Just as good as JB!

  8. I always buy Jethro T because it's insanely cheap. That said, it is terrible bourbon. It has this weird banana aftertaste. Truly awful. But I'm a bourbon addict, not a bourbon snob. I will continue to drink this awful elixir until it (mercifully) kills me.

  9. I kind of agree with Doc Science. A nice, pleasant nose, but it portends a burn that really is fairly mild. It's got a nice smooth taste that is definitely drinkable straight, but probably better with a sweeter partner of some kind. I certainly would serve it to friends & enemies alike. Hard to go wrong with a Kentucky heritage & a name like Jethro. Makes me think of my days in the Old Smokey Mountains.

  10. I like it just had it straight and not bad.Not a hard burn on the back.

  11. That is a damn good analogy to go to with this whiskey I think its pretty good mostly stick to jim beamer but old Jethro gets her done and for under 10 bucks!

  12. I was pleasantly surprised by that. out of the blue for 7.19 if you buy 6 or more bottles at CVS obviously no maker's mark or bullet or Woodard reserve but for the money especially if you're going to mix can't be beat.

  13. Jethro t booths cinnamon where in Indiana do I find it I live by Hammond Indiana

  14. Ok by me. Anybody who spends more than 30 bucks for a fifth of bourbon is just trying to impress somebody. Plain old granddad is the best I've found for the price. Call me if you need any Scottish advice on booze!

  15. My husband is in love with JT Boots but our CVS doesn't have it on the shelves anymore...HELP

  16. Goes down smooth, tastes good, and no hangover or boule problems before breakfast. What more need to be said?

  17. It ain't half bad, kind of tastes like watered down redemption bourbon. I tend to think it's blended with Neutral Grain Spirits though, so beware and pick up some extra toilet paper while you are at CVS, your gonna need it the day after!
