Thursday, December 14, 2017

Whiskey Review: Tincup American Whiskey

We ventured out to Palms Springs for a little getaway, and found ourselves looking at the selection in the whiskey section of the local Ralphs.  That is when this bottle caught our attention.  Maybe it is the sleek bottle, or the tin cup on top, whatever it was, we grabbed a bottle and stuffed it into the freezer, since it was 80 plus degrees.    

Reading the bottle a bit would let you know that this was distilled in Denver Colorado, at an elevation of 5251 feet, which is 0.99 miles. So close to mile high!  If it's good, I'll give them a pass.  For this review I will do something a bit different, I will try it in a traditional glass and their tin cup.  To start the color is a nice honey amber which you cannot see in the picture due to the condensation.  The smell is really nice, with honey and caramel notes in the glass, and only a little extra hint of metal (duh) in the tin cup.  First sip from the glass is smooth and light with a touch of sweetness.  It finishes into a warming sensation.  The aftertaste is pleasant.  From the tin cup it tastes....exactly the same.  Oh well, what was I expecting?  More for me anyways.  The second go around just confirms the first, but with a stronger feel of the flavors.  I gotta say...

The numbers: We got it on sale for $22.99 at Ralphs which is not bad at all.  I have seen it for $29.00 or so.  

It reminds me of...when you find $20 on the ground.  Not bad at all. 

The verdict: This is a good whiskey, I like it, especially if you like ones that are slightly sweeter.  At this price, it is worth it and I would definitely get another bottle.  I would slap anybody's hand that tries to use it for a mixer, it is better than that. 

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Professional tasting notes:

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