Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Whiskey Review: Leopold Bros. New York Apple Flavored Whiskey

Something a little different today.  Lately it seems flavored whiskeys are popping up all over the place, but mostly of the cinnamon or honey variety.  So while I was wandering the whiskey isle at Bevmo I kept an eye out for some flavored whiskey that was not of the normal variety.  That is when I saw Leopold Bros. New York Apple Flavored Whiskey.

Something about this bottle got my attention, so I took it home, after I paid of course.  At night, I poured myself a serving and took a big whiff of the product.  Immediately, I was disappointed, there was no hint of whiskey smell at all.  In fact it smelled more like one of those liquors used for mixed drinks than a true bona fide whiskey.  The first sip was interesting.  It was very sweet, slightly thick, but had a good flavor of apples and very small hit of alcohol (the good kind).  I did something I normally would NEVER do, which was to get a couple ice cubes and throw it into the cup.  Why don't I use ice?  Because...

In this case though, it changed everything...for the better.  Immediately, I noticed a change in the smell.  You could definitely get the raw apple smell, as opposed to a muddled indistinct sweet smell.  The color lightened, and it had a less syrup-like consistency.  After a couple of swirls, I dove in again.  This time, the apple flavor was much more distinct, with a smooth whiskey finish.  I dare say it was even enjoyable like this.  

The numbers: As usual, I picked this up at my local Bevmo on sale for $39.99.  I think it is a tad expensive for a flavored whiskey, which realistically is an apple cider flavored with whiskey.  I have seen it for lower online at $32.99. 

It reminds me of...drinking your kid's left over apple juice at a restaurant while yelling at them for not finishing it, even though the truth is you just really wanted that apple juice after you gave up sweet sugary juices as part of your diet plan.  

The verdict: Because of the price I would be leery having a bottle around the house at all times, however, that being said, it does carry a nice flavor to it.  If you were hosting a whiskey party and know for sure that you will have non-hardcore whiskey enthusiasts present, this is a good one to have on hand so they can enjoy the festivities and not feel left out.   
Please comment below!  If you think there is something I must try or something you want me to review, toss it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

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Professional tasting notes:
Difficult to find professional notes.  Here is another blogger's opinion

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