Saturday, March 26, 2016

Whiskey Review: Larceny Kentucky Straight Bourbon

Larceny is defined as theft of personal property.  Keep that in mind.  Today we are going to talk about Larceny Bourbon. 

I have been Larceny around and about for many years now, but never seemed to be interested in trying it.  Then one day I was flipping through a magazine and saw a 10 bourbons to try before you die list.  I look through that and some of the usual suspects were in there, but one stood out...Larceny.  I though to myself, oh rearrryy.  The next time I was at Ralphs I bought a bottle, and was immediately excited to try it.  On the label it says John E. Fitzgerald (sounds like an old school distiller name if I have ever heard one, apparently there is some other back story that is somewhat interesting if you want to look it up), Larceny, Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Very Special Small Batch (in red text).  Well DAMN IT lets try some.  I tried some....and three months later I am finally writing this review.  I'll explain.  First it has an assertive smell to it, kind hits you as you are pouring.  You know you are drinking a whiskey that is for sure.  The first taste, it doesn't really stand out, a fairly typical bourbon. burns....IT BURNS...I was worried that maybe I sore throat or something and it wasn't getting a fair shake, so I didn't write the review and came back a couple weeks later.  Same result, but I really wanted to like is supposed to be a top 10??  Today, months later, and most of the bottle, I sadly have to come to the conclusion that is really is nothing special.  In fact it is burns a bit too much for me. money was stolen!  I could have just bought a number of other bourbons and had a better experiences.  Sigh.  To summarize:

The numbers: Thank god I got it for only $26.  I have seen it for less than $20 at Bevmo.  

It reminds me of...whiskey from a plastic bottle.

The verdict: For those people who like Larceny, sorry, no offense.  This one is just not for me.  At mid 20's I would prefer Buffalo Trace.  If you live in Russia and need the burn, go right ahead.  

Please comment below!  If you think there is something I must try or something you want me to review, toss it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

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Friday, March 18, 2016

Whiskey Review: Hibiki Japanese Harmony

We are going on trip, away from the regions of the world normally associated with whiskey, and start a little exploration of Japan.  Yes Japan, the land that brought us such gems as Nintendo, Sony, Dragon Ball Z, and whatever this is...

That is one of the tamer ones too.  Gulp...maybe I should be worried?  Here it goes, I present to you, Hibiki Japanese Harmony by Suntory Whisky Distillery.  

I was reading through Whiskey Advocate and saw that Suntory was selected as the distillery of the year for 2014.  Having very little experience with Japanese made whiskies, I decided to go find out.  Hibiki is a blended whiskey, which I tend to shy away from, however, when done well, blended whiskies can be very good.  At first inspection, there is nothing too special, the color is light and it smells like a scotch.  The first taste is well, amazing if you like complexity.  I could taste your classic scotch flavors such as those of a Macallan's fine oak, as well as the peaty smokiness of a Islay type scotch as well.  The smokey flavor is very prevalent but not overpowering.  Overall, the feel is very light and smooth, with a dry finish.  I also seem to find it slightly spicy and sweet.  Overall, it is a very well balanced whisky.  Well played Japan, well played. 

The numbers: I get it for nearly $80 at BevMo; however I have seen it for $65 or so from online retailers. 

It reminds me of...the end of a long day after you have gone to work, cleaned the house, cooked dinner, finished laundry and you just want to relax with something special to drink.

The verdict: Not gonna lie, it is expensive for what you get.  Don't get me wrong it is good, but definitely not a daily sipper.  I would say this should be reserved for more of an occasion drink.  Not many people will have experienced Japanese whisky, so it is a good conversation starter as well.  

Please comment below!  If you think there is something I must try or something you want me to review, toss it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

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