Friday, February 2, 2018

Whiskey Review: Russell's Reserve Small Batch Single Barrel

I was digging through my whiskey cabinet, aka, the happy place, to find something interesting to review.  I found this bottle of Russell's Reserve Small Batch Single Barrel WAYYYYY in the back.  With just a little left.  Well...time to polish it off.    

Yes, I put it in front of a plant to take the picture, because plants are cool.  I wonder if reviews on small batch single barrel type stuff is even worth doing? I would probably vary barrel to barrel right?  I will investigate later.  Anyhoo, on to the show.  The smell is strong.  It kinda punches you in the nose.  I would try to identify some specific flavor, but it is stinging my eyes.  Now I am worried.  Maybe there was a reason it sat back there for so long.  First sip and it lives up to the smell.  It starts off kind of mild and then BAM kicks you assertive whiskey flavor.  To be honest, not bad, but not something I'd want right before bed.  The aftertaste lingers and you can definitely feel it in your stomach.  I am more awake after this for sure.  The burn, though is different than what you get from cheap whiskey.  This is more of a pure burn I guess, and packs good flavor too.  It almost feels like this whiskey wants to pick a fight with your face, but like a gentleman. 

The numbers: Not sure what I paid, but it looks like it goes for $65-$75 at Bevmo.    

It reminds me of...I'll be your Huckleberry. 

The verdict: While I was looking up the price I learned that this is made by Wild Turkey, and it is 110 proof!  That explains the kick.  I think it is a little pricey for something that just slaps you in the face. Something at this price, I'd loathe to put ice in it, but it does help take the edge off.  Unless you want a whiskey punch to the face, I might move along.  If you want some kick with your whiskey, you might give this a try if you have the budget.  

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Professional tasting notes: