Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Whiskey Review: Stone Hammer Kentucky Straight Bourbon

After a little bit of a break, I am going to be back at it.  I also managed to curate some interesting finds, so hopefully there will be some more reviews coming soon.  Today we have something I picked up at the grocery store...

Stone Hammer Kentucky Straight Bourbon, Distiller's Reserve, Series 1828.  Approved by John Hargrove.  Seems legitimate.  Apparently this is named after Thomas Metcalfe (1780-1855), US Representative, Senator and tenth Governor of Kentucky, who was a stone mason prior to politics.  Thus, his nickname was Old Stone Hammer.  Ooookaayyy, let's see what Stone Hammer has to offer.  As soon as you pop the cork, you know you are in for a bit of a rough ride, but if you give it a moment to breath it mellows out a lot.  Not much to note on the smell.  Color is more on the darker/richer side of amber.  First taste starts off smooth and mild, but builds into a burning sensation that lasts on the back of your tongue and throat.  I can't say it is pleasant, but it will wake you up.  I can't really catch any particular flavor since I am still burning from the first taste.  Although I normally don't advocate using ice in your whiskey, in this case, I am compelled to drop a cube or two into it.  Give it the appropriate time to chill, and...the burning does go away.  The taste comes out a bit more.  I still can't place any specific flavor, but oddly for the first time I don't catch any vanilla.  Odd.  I guess Old Stone Hammer was tough minded, I think this whiskey seems that way as well.  To the point, and no frills.  That being said...
The numbers: I found it at Ralph's on sale for $23.  Not a bad price really.  It is difficult to find though, my quick searches haven't come up with much on the internet.  

It reminds me of...Thor. 

The verdict: My general feeling of this whiskey is that at a low price point it is worth it.  It does remind me a lot of Bulleit Bourbon.  It is probably better on ice though, unless you like the burn. 

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Professional tasting notes:

Couldn't find many other reviews, this is the only one: