Saturday, December 10, 2016

Whiskey Review: Bib & Tucker Small Batch Bourbon

In the post Thanksgiving lull, and the pre-Christmas rush, what could be better than another new whiskey to try?  That is my excuse anyways...on to the show.  I came across this bottle while browsing Costco.  I had never seen or even heard of this, so I grabbed it.  

According to the label, the phrase bib and tucker meant your nice clothes, like for a wedding, during the rough and tumble days.  This offering is produced by 35 Maplestreet?  Again I haven't heard of them, however, to be totally honest I haven't really paid much attention to the manufacturer of the whiskies I drink, but I will now.  The bourbon is a nice medium amber color, and not gonna lie, it smells like it is gonna have a bite.  There is also a distinct scent that I can't quite place, but I know I haven't really come across this before.  I want to say is smells like maple syrup roasted nuts or something.  Despite the smell, it is actually rather smooth to start and warms to a nice finish.  The aftertaste is pleasant and does tend to linger.  The second sip will amplify that warm feeling, to the point of almost being spicy.  The flavors are mellow and not too assertive, but it does tend to be on the sweet side, as you'd expect from a bourbon.  Normally I would finish with a meme here, and in wake of the 2016 elections, I leave you with...

The numbers: I purchased this bottle at Costco for $35.  I have seen is for as high as $65 online!!  

It reminds me of...being bundled up on a cold winter night sitting around a fire pit. 

The verdict: I gotta say, this is a good sipping whiskey, especially during the winter time.  I can imagine myself looking out the window on a rainy day holding a dram of Bib and Tucker, and life would be good.  For $35 it is a steal, but I don't really see myself paying more than $45 for it.  

Thanks for reading!

Please comment below!  If you think there is something I must try or something you want me to review, toss it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

Professional tasting notes: